Cozy Rhody is excited to announce that we will soon be adding a new product to the shop: STEEV from SQUIDS (c) The Game Bakers.
I'm in the final round of design
The only thing left is to ensure the hat is up-to-specs
Look for STEEV in the shop in the coming weeks. For the overtly excited, you can submit a Pre-Order for STEEV by contacting us through the shop. Include in your message that you would like to Pre-Order a STEEV. STEEV will be $35.00 + $5.35 shipping (same as our Triple Town Bears). STEEV includes a removable hat with lovely felt lightening bolts. Cozy Rhody will accept a maximum of 5 pre-orders for STEEV.
Also, look for more Triple Town Bears this month, too! They sold out during the final days of March. Tragically, I am not so great at taking my own advice, so there's a minimum 2-week wait for restock. In the short term, Cozy Rhody is offering to all interested parties the opportunity to Reserve a Triple Town Bear. All you need to do is contact us through the shop indicating that you would like to Reserve a Triple Town Bear. Those who reserve a Triple Town Bear will have their orders filled before new bears are listed in the shop. The first 3 reserved bears are guaranteed to be filled within 2-weeks.
Lastly, an extra big THANK YOU for everyone who bought out my bears. It was a pleasant surprise! Now if I can just find some amazing Cthulhu Enthusiasts...